Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Competition for Animation- lets send something!


SV1 - Animation/Experimental/Mixed: This category is intended for animated films, artistic/experimental films and entries that do not “fit” in any of the other student video categories. In addition to technical and narrative excellence, projects entered in this category are expected to “push the traditional envelope.”

SV2 - Instructional/Educational: This category is intended for entries where the primary goal is to instruct or educate the viewer. While documentary and news projects often have instructional or educational content, they are generally a better fit for the student documentary and news competitions and should not be entered here.

SV3 - Music Video: This category is intended for original music videos produced for an individual or group who maintains ownership of the music and lyrics performed. The entrant must have rights to all music and image content for projects submitted to this category.

SV4 – Narrative: This category is intended for realism narratives (comedy, drama, etc.). If your narrative is tremendously fragmented or non-traditional, it should be entered in the Animation/Experimental/Mixed category.
SV5 – Spots: This category includes Public Service Announcements, commercials and advertisements between 15 and 90 seconds.

SV6 - Promotional (Promo material from 90 seconds to 30 minutes): This category includes longer promotional pieces such as “fund-raising pieces” for non-profits or “recruiting films” for athletic departments.

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