Tuesday, February 2, 2016

More infographics to check out


The Sales of Zelda

Got games: Uses a vertical bar graph as the ground for icons that represent games.
Initial sketch

Simple use of colors, grouping of circles and similar drawings with critical differences makes this very beautiful and informative. 

This project is really a graph shape that shows few white squirrels in 1902, the most in 1942, and a receding amount by 2012. What is also clear is that, even without reading the numbers, there are ALOT of white squirrels in Olney. The artist also uses a colorful gradient in an effective way. 

This project was made by a student from Japan who wished to practice her drawing skills. Look at how the shadows are also shapes that have been modified.  The flower pattern in the background has been treated with a gradient too.  FIRST VERSION OF KIMONOS below.

This uses a grid to organize information about heart rate and different kinds of activity. The meditating figure was drawn by hand while tracing a bitmap image.- here is one of the early drawings. 


This is organized around two large blocks that form the surface planes for the information about pronouns and gender. 

Self explanatory. (this might be a student project)

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