Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Family history Tableau

Sarah's Tableau- critique it
do you think it is too busy?
What about the selections? Are they sharp?
Here is the draft of my Family Tableau project.
Theres a little more of me here than my family. I should work on it more. This is just a draft.

The New Jersey Meadowlands with its pollution and oil refineries is in the background.  Both my father and grandfather were industrial engineers and helped build huge industrial process machinery like refineries.

On the top left is a ship like the kind of ship that my great grandparents and one of my grandparents took to immigrate from Europe.

In the left top are also the apples my great grandfather made a living with in Poland.

In the top right are two icons of modernism, the Apollo space mission which I watched as a child on tv, and Dizzy Gillespie who played jazz at my high school each year.

In the middle ground is a typical suburban house with Lucy and her friends, who I use here to identify the kinds of challenges my grandmother and mother face in being women in the middle of the last century. Their lives were limited and they were not expected to be smart.

The children with the tv and the Marias from the sound of music kind of stand in for that real connection to consumerism all generations experienced-- both owning a tv and watching it. The Sound of Music gave an upbeat melodramatic soundtrack to our immigration story.
The man in the foreground is using my grandfathers pipe as a golf club. I decided to be a little surreal here. And inside the house, through a window you can see my father, an engineer at work at his drafting table.

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