Thursday, January 15, 2015

Prisons versus schools: Prisoners versus Students- a map

This is a map that indicates the density of prisons and prisoners in each state. The title,
"The U.S. has more jails than colleges. Here’s a map of where those prisoners live." is a wee bit misleading as it doesn't show you the schools, just the prisons. We have to take their word on it that there are more jails that schools. Here is a screenshot of the map- it uses color shading and intensity to represent the statistics.

from the article:

There were 2.3 million prisoners in the U.S. as of the 2010 Census. It's often been remarked that our national incarceration rate of 707 adults per every 100,000 residents is the highest in the world, by a huge margin. Read the article HERE and see the interactive map. 

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